ECE‐UY 2004: Fundamentals of Electric Circuits
Grade: A
Topics Learned:
- RC/RL Circuits & Transient Measurements
- Nodal / Mesh Analysis
- Ohm’s Law & Kirchhoff’s Laws
- Thevenin / Norton equivalent circuits
Lab Work:
- Designed and built analog circuits using resistors, capacitors, and inductors
- Hands-on experience with oscilloscopes (Digilent Analog Discovery 2), logic analyzer, multimeters, and signal generators
- Analyzed circuit behavior under varying frequencies and load conditions
Transient Response of the Capacitor when the Resistance of the Potentiometer is 0 ꭥ
Transient Response of the Capacitor when the Potentiometer is at ¼ turn
ECE/CS 2204: Digital Logic and State Machine Design
Grade: A
Topics Learned:
- Combinational and sequential circuit design, state machines
- Verilog HDL and logic synthesis
- Latches & Flip-Flops Storage Devices
Lab Work:
- Implemented digital circuits on FPGA boards using ModelSim and Xilinx Vivado
- Built Verilog model of a Serial Adder as a Finite State Machine
- Learned how to validate FSM performance using a Verilog testbench
Verilog Code for a 16-bit Adder
The Simulated Waveform of the 16-bit Adder
4-bit 2’s Complement Adder on 7-Segment Display
Waveform for 3-bit Ripple Counter
State | Input at State | Input | Output | |
X = 0 | X = 1 | |||
Sempty | ___ | S0 | S1 | 0 |
S0 | 0000 | S0 | S2 | |
S1 | ___1 | S3 | S1 | 0 |
S2 | __01 | S4 | S5 | 0 |
S3 | __10 | S3 | S6 | 0 |
S4 | _010 | SEnd | S6 | 0 |
S5 | _011 | SEnd | S1 | 0 |
S6 | _101 | S4 | SEnd | 0 |
SEnd | SEmpty | SEmpty | 1 |
FDM State Table for detecting 4-bit patterns (1011, 0110, 0100)
Waveform of Test-bench Simulation
ECE4144: Intro to Embedded Systems
Grade: A
Topics Learned:
- Programming the Atmega32u4 using ANSI C and Arduino Framework
- Bidirectional communication between microcontrollers using UART Serial Communication and Interrupt Subroutines
- Building an Analog-to-Digital Converter (ADC) using Pulse-Width-Modulation (PWM)
- Differences and use-cases for Fast PWM and Phase-Correct PWM
- Pin multiplexing (Pin Muxing) in ATmega32U4 microcontroller for GPIO
- DSP - Moving Average, IIR, and FIR filters
- Synchronous and Asynchronous communication protocols (UART and I2C)
- Configuring timers on the 32U4 processor by modifying timers’ registers using Atmel datasheet
Lab Work:
When percentage (potentiometer) is between 0% and 33% (Only 1 (red) LED lights up)
When percentage (potentiometer) is between 33% and 66% (2 LEDs light up)
Decoding a sine wave encoded inside a PWM signal using RC Low Pass Filter
Controlling the frequency with the potentiometer
ECE-UY-3114: Solid State Electronic Devices and Circuits I
Grade: A
Topics Learned:
- Operational Amplifiers, Frequency Response, and Applications
- Diodes and Rectifiers
- PN Junction (with Applied Voltage & Capacitive Effects)
- Bipolar junction transistor (BJT), NPN and PNP analysis
- Field-Effect Transistors (FET and MOSFET)
- General Charge Concentration Analysis
Lab Work:
Circuit Diagram For Measuring IV Characteristics & Breadboard Circuit For Current to Voltage Conversion
IV Characteristic of the General-Purpose 1N4003 Diode
Input Signal and Signal Through Zener Diode
Half-Wave Rectifier With Capacitive Filtering (100 F)
Two Half-Wave Rectifiers with Offset
Full-Wave Rectifier with Capacitive Filtration (10 uF capacitor)
MOSFET Transfer Characteristic Gate Voltage and Drain Current Relationship